Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40

Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40



35,675 posts

153 months

hammo19 said:
Fullook said:
Byker28i said:
I'm also trying to organise a bit more in my life, put a few more things in, as with the pending loss of living in Wales, I've been feeling quite lost, unsure of the future now it's all changed. Thought I had everything worked out.

So Festival of speed Friday, will be booking another trip to Belgium and planning some other stuff... whilst thinking a little more long term
Sounds like you're doing it the right way Byker, happiness is a verb, they say, rather than a noun - doing stuff is often the answer, if only we could figure out what the question is!
Surely thats a cigar, a mild cigar from Bensen and Hedges.
It was the greatest thing that Ken Dodd possessed. smile

The summer here oop norf continues unabated, alternating between trenchul and dismal drizzle.

I have been conducting further research into the F20/B47 hybrid :

The burning question is:
Will it fit on my drive? scratchchin

I'll get my tape measure out when/if it stops raining... rolleyes


5,983 posts

146 months

^^^ Tigershark., I've met a couple of those, up close'n'personal like.

When ah were a kid in th mid 70's, one (1) of th neighbours had been a Tigermoth mechanic in round one (1) of th first bout of world nastiness. Kinda wish I'd been old enuf to better appreciate his remembrances.

G'morneve chaps, as you were.


35,675 posts

153 months

Still Mulling said:
Yep, that's the place!

It'll be my first RIAT, so I'm quite excited. smile
I've attended a few times many years ago when it was always beautiful sunny weather ( before Global Warming set in ) and the competing air forces from around the globe always put on a jolly good crowd-pleasing show, all trying to out-do each other.

As well as ear defenders, I suggest you take plenty of water because when/if the sun shines, it can get pretty hot. If that should happen, remember that brollies can also double as parasols.

Have fun. thumbup


35,675 posts

153 months

paua said:
^^^ Tigershark., I've met a couple of those, up close'n'personal like.

When ah were a kid in th mid 70's, one (1) of th neighbours had been a Tigermoth mechanic in round one (1) of th first bout of world nastiness. Kinda wish I'd been old enuf to better appreciate his remembrances.

G'morneve chaps, as you were.
Hi paua.wavey

I think he may have been pulling one of yer legs just a little bit, because the DH Tigermoth didn’t make its' maiden flight until 1931.

Perhaps he had been reading too many Biggles books*, and got carried away romancing his tall tales of derring-do to the young impressionable paua.

* One of my favourites was "Biggles Flies Undone" by Capt. W E Johns... wink


39,301 posts

101 months

Having another day of rushing around and getting nowhere, got a major rework loop sorted out, but as some parts are carrying on and some parts are awaiting a concession it's made the process more difficult.


5,277 posts

199 months

I have been pondering on towing the Vulcan back from Carlisle behind the TT. There may be a few obstacles to tackle along the way. It will fit in the back field but getting into the field is impossible without dismantling. She looked fab yesterday in the sunshine.